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Harness CI images

When a Harness CI pipeline runs, there is an initialize step that automatically runs before any other steps in the stage. This step prepares the environment to run your steps, such as preparing the build infrastructure and pulling required Harness images from Google Container Registry (GCR).


Harness CI images are not the same as the pre-built public images. Harness CI images are essential images used by Harness to run CI pipelines. Pre-built public images are extended versions of official Docker images that you can optionally use to quickly set up a specific build environment.

Harness CI images list

You can find Harness CI images in the Harness project on GCR.

Here are some examples of Harness CI images and the purpose of each image. Build image tags change often.

  • harness/ci-addon: Used to execute steps on containers in Kubernetes pods.
  • harness/ci-lite-engine: Used to orchestrate execution of steps on Kubernetes pods.
  • harness/drone-git: Used to clone git repos.

Drone is part of Harness CI, and Harness CI uses Drone plugin images to run some operations. Some examples include:

  • plugins/cache: Used to cache files to/from S3/GCS that help to expedite builds.
  • plugins/kaniko: Used to build Docker images with the kaniko framework and push images to Docker registry out of the box for Kubernetes cluster build infrastructures.
  • plugins/kaniko-ecr: Used to build Docker images with the kaniko framework and push images to AWS ECR registry out of the box for Kubernetes cluster build infrastructures.
  • plugins/kaniko-gcr: Used to build Docker images with the kaniko framework and push images to GCP GCR registry out of the box for Kubernetes cluster build infrastructures.
  • plugins/s3: Used to upload files to AWS S3 buckets out of the box.
  • plugins/gcs: Used to upload files to GCP GCS service out of the box.

Harness CI image pulls

By default, when a CI pipeline runs, the Harness Delegate uses a Docker connector to make an anonymous outbound connection to pull the Harness CI images from the public container registry where they are stored.

I don't want to pull images anonymously

If you don't want the Harness Delegate to pull images anonymously, you can use credentialed access instead. For instructions, go to Connect to the Harness container image registry.

I don't want to pull images from a public registry

Harness CI images are stored in a public container registry. If you don't want to pull the images directly from the public registry, you can pull Harness images from your own private registry. For instructions on each of these options, go to Connect to the Harness container image registry.

Docker Hub rate limiting

By default, Harness uses anonymous Docker access to connect to pull Harness images. If you experience rate limiting issues when pulling images, try one of these solutions:

  • Use credentialed access, rather than anonymous access, to pull Harness CI images.
  • Configure the default Docker connector to pull images from the public Harness GCR project instead of Docker Hub.
  • Pull Harness images from your own private registry.

For instructions on each of these options, go to Connect to the Harness container image registry.

Harness CI image updates

Your organization has a one-month window to run security scans or other tests on new CI build images before you deploy them. Every two weeks, Harness publishes new versions of images required to run CI builds. Each image is backwards-compatible with the previous two releases.

Harness updates harness/ci-* images, such as harness/ci-addon and harness/ci-lite-engine, according to the following release process:

  • Harness publishes updates for all CI images on the second and fourth Monday of each month.
  • Version numbers use an x.y.z format where x indicates the major release number, y indicates the minor release number, and z indicates a hotfix or patch release number.
  • All images are supported for the latest three releases: latest, latest-1, and latest-2. Each image release is backward-compatible with the previous two releases.
  • You can choose to deploy the latest containers immediately upon release, or you can download and scan them before deployment.
  • If your builds use containers that are more than two releases old, the Harness UI shows a warning that the image versions are no longer supported. Builds won't fail automatically.
  • If a hotfix or security fix is required for a specific image, Harness creates hotfixes for the latest three images and notifies customers when these hotfixes are available.

Drone plugin images are updated as needed. All Drone image updates are backward-compatible. When you first deploy CI, Harness scans all plugin images you plan to use and addresses any vulnerabilities. After your initial deployment, Harness publishes updates to address new vulnerabilities based on our Service Level Agreement with your organization.

Specify the Harness CI images used in your pipelines

You can use the Harness CI execution-config API to specify or update the Harness CI images used in your infrastructure by specifying image tags.

API key authentication is required. For more information about API keys, go to Manage API keys. For more information about authentication, go to the Harness API documentation.

  1. Send a get-default-config request to get a list of the latest Harness CI build images and tags. You can use the infra parameter to get k8 images or VM images.

    curl --location --request GET "$YOUR_HARNESS_ACCOUNT_ID&infra=K8" \
    --header 'X-API-KEY: $API_KEY'

    The response payload shows the latest supported images and their tags, for example:

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "data": {
    "addonTag": "harness/ci-addon:1.14.4",
    "liteEngineTag": "harness/ci-lite-engine:1.14.4",
    "gitCloneTag": "harness/drone-git:1.1.0-rootless",
    "buildAndPushDockerRegistryTag": "plugins/kaniko:1.3.1",
    "buildAndPushECRTag": "plugins/kaniko-ecr:1.3.1",
    "buildAndPushGCRTag": "plugins/kaniko-gcr:1.3.1",
    "gcsUploadTag": "plugins/gcs:1.2.6",
    "s3UploadTag": "plugins/s3:1.0.5",
    "artifactoryUploadTag": "plugins/artifactory:1.0.6",
    "cacheGCSTag": "plugins/cache:1.3.8",
    "cacheS3Tag": "plugins/cache:1.3.8",
    "securityTag": "harness/sto-plugin:latest"
    "metaData": null,
    "correlationId": "08919155-a6d6-4bd3-8401-6b86318c85ca"
  2. Send a get-customer-config request to get the build images that your CI pipelines currently use. When overridesOnly is true, which is the default value, this endpoint returns the non-default images that your pipeline uses.

    curl --location --request GET "$YOUR_HARNESS_ACCOUNT_ID&infra=K8&overridesOnly=true" \
    --header 'X-API-KEY: $API_KEY'

    If the response contains null, your pipeline is using all default images, for example:

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "data": {},
    "metaData": null,
    "correlationId": "11ce1bc8-b337-4687-9ab9-e13d553ae82f"
  3. Send an update-config (POST) request with a list of the images you want to update and the new tags to apply.

    curl --location --request POST "$YOUR_HARNESS_ACCOUNT_ID&infra=K8" \
    --header 'X-API-KEY: $API_KEY' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '[
    "field": "gitCloneTag",
    "value": "harness/drone-git:1.0.9-rootless
    "field": "gcsUploadTag",
    "value": "plugins/gcs:1.3.0"
  4. To reset one or more images to their defaults, send a reset-config (POST) request with a list of the images to reset.

    curl --location --request POST "$YOUR_HARNESS_ACCOUNT_ID&infra=K8" \
    --header 'X-API-KEY: $API_KEY' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '[
    "field": "gitCloneTag"
    "field": "gcsUploadTag"