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Security Testing Orchestration Certifications

Seamlessly integrate security scanners and orchestrate tests anywhere across your build pipelines. Enable developers to rapidly remediate vulnerabilities through intelligent prioritization and deduplication.
Harness Certified Expert - DeveloperHarness Certified Expert - AdministratorHarness Certified Expert - Architect
  • For Developers
  • For Administrators
  • For Architects

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Security Testing Orchestration - Developer (BETA COMING SOON)

Harness Certified Expert - STO Engineering DeveloperProduct version: Security Testing Orchestration Free/Team Plans

Review Study Guide (BETA)

Assesses the fundamental skills to deploy your applications with STO projects.
1. Introduction to Harness Security Testing Orchestration
Explain the importance of security testing in modern software development.Harness Security Testing Orchestration (STO) Overview
Describe the common issues in current security testing practices, including manual and standalone scanning, slow identification of vulnerabilities, siloed visibility, and inconsistent governance.Common Scanning Problems
2. Setting up the Environment
Install and configure Harness Security Testing Orchestration on a local development environment.Onboarding Guide
Connect Harness Security Testing Orchestration to version control systems (e.g., Git) and CI/CD pipelines, emphasizing the integration aspect to address manual and standalone scanning.Set up a build infrastructure for STO
3. Creating Test Plans
Create a basic security test plan using Harness Security Testing Orchestration.Create a base pipeline for STO
Define test scenarios, including target applications, endpoints, and test inputs, with a focus on automation to eliminate delays.Targets, baselines, and variants in STO
4. Test Automation
Implement basic security tests, such as OWASP Top Ten vulnerabilities scanning, and automate them within CI/CD pipelines to address the issue of delayed identification of vulnerabilities.Orchestrate scans and ingest data
Integrate third-party security testing tools into Harness Security Testing Orchestration to expand automated scanning capabilities.Ingest scan results from unsupported scanners into Harness STO
5. Test Execution and Reporting
Execute security tests within a CI/CD pipeline as gate checks, ensuring that vulnerabilities are identified before release.Create a base pipeline for STO
Analyze and interpret security test results and generate reports, promoting visibility into vulnerabilities throughout the development process.View and troubleshoot vulnerabilities
6. Integration and Extensibility
Customize security testing workflows in Harness Security Testing Orchestration to align with specific release processes, addressing inconsistent governance.Run an Orchestrated scan in an STO Pipeline
Integrate additional security testing tools or plugins seamlessly to consolidate scanning efforts.Create an integrated STO/CI pipeline
7. Security Best Practices
Apply security best practices to code and infrastructure within the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that scans are integrated into the release process.STO Key Concepts
Implement security testing as an integral part of the software development lifecycle, avoiding siloed visibility.STO setup procedures
8. Compliance and Regulations
Understand and adhere to relevant compliance standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) in security testing.Set up target baselines in STO
Ensure that security testing processes align with regulatory requirements, emphasizing the importance of integration and governance.Use governance policies and security scan results to stop STO pipelines automatically
9. Troubleshooting and Debugging
Identify and resolve common issues and errors in security testing, including problems related to integration and automation.Discover and remediate issues in an STO scan
Debug integration problems between Harness Security Testing Orchestration and other tools to maintain a smooth CI/CD pipeline.Discover and remediate issues in an STO scan
10. Performance Optimization
Optimize security testing processes for efficiency and speed within the CI/CD pipeline.STO Troubleshooting Guide
Implement caching and parallelization strategies for security tests to address the issue of speed and delays in vulnerability identification.STO ingestion workflows

Exam Details (BETA)

The Security Testing Orchestration(STO) Developer exam tests your knowledge and skills of the Harness Security Testing Orchestration module.


  • Basic terminal skills
  • Basic understanding of on-premise or cloud architecture

Exam Details

Exam TypeDuration
Knowledge Exam90 minutes
Covered DomainCoverage
Introduction to Harness Security Testing Orchestration10%
Setting up the Environment10%
Creating Test Plans10%
Test Automation15%
Test Execution and Reporting15%
Integration and Extensibility10%
Security Best Practices10%
Compliance and Regulations5%
Troubleshooting and Debugging10%
Performance Optimization5%

Exam Objectives

List of Objectives

The following is a detailed list of exam objectives:

1Introduction to Harness Security Testing Orchestration
1.1Explain the importance of security testing in modern software development.
1.2Describe the common issues in current security testing practices, including manual and standalone scanning, slow identification of vulnerabilities, siloed visibility, and inconsistent governance.
2Setting up the Environment
2.1Install and configure Harness Security Testing Orchestration on a local development environment.
2.2Connect Harness Security Testing Orchestration to version control systems (e.g., Git) and CI/CD pipelines, emphasizing the integration aspect to address manual and standalone scanning.
3Creating Test Plans
3.1Create a basic security test plan using Harness Security Testing Orchestration.
3.2Define test scenarios, including target applications, endpoints, and test inputs, with a focus on automation to eliminate delays.
4Test Automation
4.1Implement basic security tests, such as OWASP Top Ten vulnerabilities scanning, and automate them within CI/CD pipelines to address the issue of delayed identification of vulnerabilities.
4.2Integrate third-party security testing tools into Harness Security Testing Orchestration to expand automated scanning capabilities.
5Test Execution and Reporting
5.1Execute security tests within a CI/CD pipeline as gate checks, ensuring that vulnerabilities are identified before release.
5.2Analyze and interpret security test results and generate reports, promoting visibility into vulnerabilities throughout the development process.
6Integration and Extensibility
6.1Customize security testing workflows in Harness Security Testing Orchestration to align with specific release processes, addressing inconsistent governance.
6.2Integrate additional security testing tools or plugins seamlessly to consolidate scanning efforts.
7Security Best Practices
7.1Apply security best practices to code and infrastructure within the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that scans are integrated into the release process.
7.2Implement security testing as an integral part of the software development lifecycle, avoiding siloed visibility.
8Compliance and Regulations
8.1Understand and adhere to relevant compliance standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) in security testing.
8.2Ensure that security testing processes align with regulatory requirements, emphasizing the importance of integration and governance.
9Troubleshooting and Debugging
9.1Identify and resolve common issues and errors in security testing, including problems related to integration and automation.
9.2Debug integration problems between Harness Security Testing Orchestration and other tools to maintain a smooth CI/CD pipeline.
10Performance Optimization
10.1Optimize security testing processes for efficiency and speed within the CI/CD pipeline.
10.2Implement caching and parallelization strategies for security tests to address the issue of speed and delays in vulnerability identification.

Next Steps

The Security Testing Orchestration Developer exam can start immediately after registering. Please allow up to 90 mins to complete the knowledge exam.

  1. Create an account in Harness University
  2. Review the Study Guide above.
  3. Register for an exam.
  4. Take the exam.

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Get Certified | Harness Expert

Security Testing Orchestration - Administrator (BETA COMING SOON)

Harness Certified Expert - STO AdministratorProduct version: Security Testing Orchestration Enterprise Plan

Coming Soon...

Assesses the fundamental skills to deploy and maintain STO projects and the overall Harness Platform.

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Security Testing Orchestration - Architect (BETA COMING SOON)

Harness Certified Expert - STO ArchitectProduct version: Security Testing Orchestration Enterprise Plan

Coming Soon...

Assess key technical job functions and advanced skills in design, implementation and management of STO.